Somatic Experiencing International Faculty

SEI FACULTY 2024 -2025

Berns Galloway


From the academic perspective, Berns graduated from the University of Victoria with a Master’s in Education in 1995. He received his SEP designation in 2003 and was appointed faculty with the Somatic Experiencing Institute in 2008.

Berns has been working with people since 1980 when he started working with elementary school kids from the experiential perspective. While working in the public school systems, he challenged himself and kids to become more than they imagined by engaging in performance and theatrical endeavours. Here Berns directed, coached and encouraged others to go beyond what was possible. His personal growth led him to challenge his own limitations, leading to a career change from education to counselling/mental health/therapy – working with groups, couples, and individuals. 

From a personal perspective, Berns has been exploring identity and how that impacts our experiences. As a cis-gender white gay male, Berns is becoming more familiar with the privileges and limitations these identities have had over his lifetime. How identity impacts others is something he is interested in. 

Berns brings his academic, experiential and personal perspectives to the SE trainings, facilitating a bottom-up inside-out process for learning and discovery in service of becoming an effective somatic-oriented practitioner.

SEI FACULTY 2026-2027

Ariel Giarretto


Somatic Psychotherapist, Bodyworker

Ariel Giarretto, LMFT, CMT, CSB has been a body-oriented trauma therapist for many decades. On staff at the Esalen Institute throughout the 90's, she studied with some of the finest somatic teachers and sexuality experts. She is a full-time international faculty for Somatic Experiencing International, training professionals all over the world how to resolve the symptoms of trauma. She is trained as a bodyworker and is a certified Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodyworker. She has extensive training in pre- and perinatal psychology, and attachment, and volunteered for many years as a doula. She works with couples and individuals desiring sexual or intimacy enhancement, as well as those who have experienced sexual abuse, infertility, traumatic births and invasive medical procedures.

Ariel is passionate about supporting men and women of all sexual orientations and identities, including LBGTQIA in finding both ease, acceptance and ecstasy in their bodies, and healing the wounds of shame and long-term, intergenerational sexuality trauma. She practices in Oakland, CA. USA and is available for sessions and consultations at all levels. For information on her webinars and group consultations that focus on sexuality and sexual abuse, check out her


Instructor Level: SE Professional Training Faculty

Teaching In: North America, Asia, Europe, Australia

Levels Taught: Beginning, Intermediate

Sees Private Clients: No

Offers Case Consultations Yes