Dr. Peter Levine on working through a personal traumatic experience

Dr. Peter Levine recounts his personal experience of being struck by a car and how he applied his own trauma healing methods in real time. He describes his initial shock, dissociation, and the critical role of human connection in his recovery, highlighting the presence of a compassionate bystander—a pediatrician—who helped him reconnect with his body.

Through somatic awareness, he allowed the physiological responses of trauma to move through him, ultimately regulating his nervous system. Levine underscores the importance of support in trauma healing and the power of attuning to the body's unspoken wisdom to restore balance and resilience.

Trauma, Somatic Experiencing and Peter A. Levine PhD

Dr. Peter Levine illustrates how trauma locks energy within the body and how gradual release is key to healing. Using a Slinky as a metaphor, he demonstrates how everyday energy flows naturally but can become trapped when overwhelming experiences occur. Suppressing this energy requires immense effort, leading to chronic symptoms and emotional distress. He explains how unprocessed trauma can manifest as violent outbursts or emotional numbness, particularly in cases of PTSD.

Through somatic techniques like micro-movements and controlled engagement with tension, Levine shows how individuals can safely discharge stored trauma, restoring balance to the nervous system and reclaiming their full life energy.